Video Gallery


Tatum Waterway Cleanup 09/02 Baynanza/Monument Island 04/03 Collins Canal Cleanup - 08/03 International Coastal/ Monument Island - 09/03
Tatum Waterway Cleanup 09/03 Scaevola Removal Project 72nd St - 10/03 Lets Paint the Boardwalk - 11/03 Anheuser-Busch Fundraising Party - 11/03
Temple Beth Sholom 64 St Beach Cleanup - 02/04 Monument Island Volunteer Tatum Waterway Cleanup - 03/04 North Beach Cleanup - 03/04
Baynanza/Monument Island - 04/04 Collins Canal Cleanup - 05/04 South Pointe Park & Beach Cleanup June - 06/04 Alaska Parce Trash
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